Soda Spa Foam Special Trial Offer!
$24.95 $39.95
This product is currently sold out.

Try Tansan Magic Soda Spa Foam for a special introductory offer of just $24.95!! -Use Soda Spa Foam at night to gently clean your skin thoroughly of all the dirt, oil, make-up, sunscreen and other product residue that builds up on your skin, before you go to bed. Leave on your skin for 5 minutes or so before rinsing of thoroughly. It will not damage your skin if left on longer, but try to avoid leaving it on longer than 10 minutes.
The unique micro carbonic technology will warm your skin by increasing blood flow while opening your pores. This allows the micro carbonic bubbles (8000ppm!) to gently lift out dirt and oil from your pores while removing other product residue from your skin.
PLEASE DO NOT use any kind of brushes on your face. -This can damage your skin and cause long-term irritation. Do not use Benzoyl Peroxide products as this may cause burning and long-term damage.
ONLY USE natural onsen carbonated Tansan Magic Sode Spa Foam
As another gift from Tansan Magic, we’ll send you a beautiful and extremely useful shower mirror! (Starting from September 2019 orders. -All orders prior will receive the gift mirror together with their 2nd shipment.) You’ll want to see where you apply Soda Spa Foam and watch it in action! The convenient adhesive hook can be applied to most smooth surfaces in or around your shower… you won’t believe that you’ve lived without this little convenience for so long! This is a $16.00 value.
So you’ll receive with your trial;
1 Tansan Magic Soda Spa Foam ($39.95)
1 Tansan Magic Shower Mirror ($16.00)
That's a $55.95 Tansan Magic value for only $24.95! -Quantities available in the United States are limited. This offer is available for new subscription customers residing within the continental U.S. only.